Manchester and Salford Photographic Society Tips

We will feature regular tips by our members to help you to get the most out of your photography.

Tip 1
First set up your monitor

TIP:  Follow the instructions in this link to give yourself the best chance at correct image control... (Where it says "click and hold to download an image", if using Windows, right-click the image)

EPI Centre Computer line-up charts


Tip 2
Clean your equipment

TIP:  Clean and sort all your photographic equipment and resolve to do it regularly. If your equipment is kept clean all of the time and kept in its place, you are in a minority. There is something of the haphazardness of an artist in photographers. How often have you wanted that little piece of kit and not been able to put your hand on it? How often have you looked at the lens of the camera you are using and ask, 'How long has that dust been there?'

Give your photographic equipment a treat, clean it and put it back in an orderly fashion, all of it, that is, except for that camera that you keep with you at all times - now there's another tip!


Tip 3
How to format images for SPG projection

TIP:  Please follow the advice in this PDF that shows how to make your digital images suitable for projection at SPG evenings.

Click here for the Formatting SPG images PDF

Every Meeting

Tip 4
Save your money, spend time instead

TIP:  Have a 12 month moratorium on buying new cameras and equipment. Don't fall into the trap of believing that better equipment will help you take better photographs, so that you are constantly upgrading and never getting to know your old equipment intimately.

Think of your favourite photographer. Now what camera did that photographer use? I bet you know the answer and I bet, too, that he or she stuck mostly with the same camera for year after year.

Stick with your favourite camera for a year, concentrate on getting the best out of it and your images will improve. At the end of it, you might make a decision like many of the photographic greats and use the same camera for ever, well almost ...


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